Privacy Policy

to take appropriate security measures, and endeavor to protect your personal information security can be controlled. In view of this, Documentation

Saviour (or "we") has formulated this Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as the "Policy") and would like to remind you of it:

This Policy applies to Documentation Saviour's products and services. Before using Documentation Saviour's products or services, please make sure

that you read and understand this Policy carefully and agree to it before using the products or services. By using Documentation Saviour's products

or services, you acknowledge that you fully understand and agree to this Policy. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions about the content

of this policy, you can contact us by sending an email to [].

I. Collection of Personal Information

We will collect your personal information for the following purposes described in this policy:

1.1 To help you become a user of Documentation Saviour

To become a registered user of Documentation Saviour, you will be required to fill in or submit some necessary information, such as cell phone number,

contact information, etc. as stipulated by laws, regulations, rules and normative documents (hereinafter referred to as "laws and regulations"). If the

information you submit is incomplete or does not comply with the provisions of laws and regulations, you may not be foregoing or if it finds that there is a possibility of the foregoing occurring.

able to become a registered user of Documentation Saviour.

1.2 Helping you to better use Documentation Saviour services

(1) In the process of using the Services, you can provide feedback on the experience of Documentation Saviour's products and services to help us better

understand your experience and needs in using our products or services and to improve our products or services;

(2) We will collect information about your use of Documentation Saviour products and services and the way you use them and correlate this information

to help us better improve our product experience and provide you with better service;

(3) Some of our services may require payment in order to use, when you need to use these paid services, you need to provide your bank card information

and/or bind Alipay, Tencent WeChat and other payment services so that we can understand your payment status.

Second, the protection, use and sharing of personal information

2.1 For you to submit in Documentation Saviour involves including personal real name, telephone, e-mail, mailing address, etc., including the user's

personal information, third-party platform account information and other personal privacy information Documentation Saviour commitment are to be strictly confidential.

2.2Documentation Saviour will take technical measures and other necessary measures to ensure the security of the user's personal information, to prevent the

leakage, destruction or loss of the user's personal information collected in this service. Documentation Saviour will take timely remedial measures in the event of the

Once a user registers, logs in and uses Documentation Saviour's services using a third-party platform account, any use of the third-party platform's recorded information

by Documentation Saviour is deemed to have received the user's full consent and acceptance.

2.3 Documentation Saviour will not disclose or reveal users' private information to any third party without your consent. However, the following specific circumstances are excluded:

(1) Documentation Saviour in accordance with the judicial or administrative authorities based on the legal procedures required to provide;

(2) Any leakage of personal information due to the user informing others of his/her private information or sharing his/her private information with others, or any other leakage

of private information not caused by Documentation Saviour;

(3) You disclose your private information to a third party on your own;

(4) Any leakage of the user's personal information due to hacker attacks, computer virus invasion and other force majeure events.

2.4 The User agrees that Documentation Saviour may use the User's personal privacy information in the following matters:

(1) Documentation Saviour sends timely and important notices to the User, such as personal service information, changes to the terms of this Agreement;

(2) Documentation Saviour conducts internal audits, data analysis and research, etc. to improve Documentation Saviour's products, services and communications with Users;

(3) Sharing within the software of the operator of Documentation Saviour - Suzhou Baoling Software Co., Ltd. in order to provide you with preferential services of the Documentation Saviour software;

(4) In accordance with this Agreement, Documentation Saviour manages and reviews user information and carries out processing measures;

(5) Other matters stipulated by applicable laws and regulations.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about Documentation Saviour's privacy policy or data processing, you can contact us by sending an e-mail to [],

and generally, we will respond within thirty days of receiving your relevant contact information.